Inaction by Prosecutor- Now Judge

On 8/6/10 Plaintiff made a complaint at offices of the Monmouth County Prosecutor (MCP) that Long Branch officials knowingly and deliberately were helping a developer evade the zoning and land use laws to the detriment of Plaintiff and the public and to the benefit of certain officials. The arson and corruption of the criminal investigation by Long Branch was documented and a video of the new threats (fire extinguishers, blow torches, gas cans) being removed from the street was provided. The prosecutor at that time was Luis A. Valentin, Gov. Christie’s first appointment as MCP.

On 10/4/10 Plaintiff received a letter from MCP that Plaintiff’s allegations against the Long Branch Detective “does not rise to the level of criminal conduct” As such, we decline to further investigate and out file is now closed”. Amazing. A criminal investigator may be in bed with and obtaining bribes from the arsonist/planners but its not a crime?! Doesn’t get much dirtier than that.

Around Nov. 2010 Plaintiff emailed the new prosecutor, Peter E Warshaw detailing some of the official corruption. In/around 2/9/11 Plaintiff gave a formal statement to the MCP. Not hearing anything, on 9/1/11 Plaintiff served a letter to Prosecutor Warshaw including/detailing the clearing of the arson investigator, the incident at the beach with Long Branch Police (see MON L.4039-11), the conflict of interest(s) of the city attorney involving Rosario-Mazza and otherwise, and that a civil complaint MON L-4039 was filed. On 2/8/12 Plaintiff received a letter from MCP mischaracterizing the complaint as being about “storing materials in violation of the zoning laws of Long Branch” and “misdeeds by public officials thru the years” The conspiracy to evade site plan approval is not mentioned. The letter concludes, “It is our opinion that it would be impossible to prove these allegations against any individual or group of individuals beyond a reasonable doubt.” The letter indicates Peter E. Warshaw was still MCP at the time.

Turns out prosecutor Warshaw, now judge Warshaw supervised arson investigations in the major crimes unit from 1991-1995 and became director of the major crimes unit then 1st assistant prosecutor yet lets the Long Branch investigator off the hook while leaving the arsonist(s) still at large. Plaintiff’s insurance company informed him they can’t recover from arsonists unless the prosecutor does his job and this no doubt drives up insurance costs to the public as well as being a breach of the public trust.

Nice new $30M palace for MCP though.

A new letter of complaint detailing the obvious official misconduct,missing records and other corruption was served upon current Attorney General John Jay Hoffman on 10/20/14 with c.c. to acting Monmouth Prosecutor Gramiccioni, who prosecuted public corruption while in the Justice Department, and should have no problem recognizing it. The number of days without arrests will be reported on while their boss, the Governor, is out campaigning for President. He needs to clean up his own backyard first.

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