Purpose and Goals
True Independence, Integrity, Fairness, and Accountability in NJ Courts and for our Attorney General and Prosecutors thru phased Non-Partisan Elections.
Fairtrial is a grassroots, independent, nonprofit organization which seeks non-partisan elections for New Jersey superior court judges, attorney general (AG) and prosecutors, and other reforms to achieve transparency, independence, and accountability in law enforcement This will serve to encourage the uniform application/enforcement of the laws. Currently state judges, the attorney general and county prosecutors are all nominated by the governor and confirmed by the NJ senate and political party affiliation plays a major role. (See News, Views & History for details.) The civil courts usually turn their heads away from local political corruption and automatically accord good faith to acts or omissions of municipalities under the Tort Claims Act when the record shows otherwise, and they continue nevertheless to serve. The failure to criminally prosecute official misconduct, also encourages municipal corruption.
Judicial elections will also provide a steady flow of qualified judicial candidates and solve the ongoing problem of judicial vacancies plaguing the court and pre dating covid due to the current system of appointing judges based on party affiliation. (See also News, Views & History)
Judge Shortages Ongoing Crises.pdf1
FairtrialNJ’s “Model for Elections” will not cost taxpayers a dime and in fact can reduce the budget while cutting down on Appeals and backlogs
Fairtrial also reports on governmental corruption that gets in the way of enforcing the laws and attainment of justice and maintains a reporting site for use by the public to document, track and report alleged violations of due process by individual judges and violations of equal protection by municipalities which blatantly refuse to enforce land use or other laws or engage in selective enforcement of same.
Fairtrial’s goal is to use its vans in each county of NJ to display its website & message, circulate publications and petitions, and lead processions of concerned citizens. It will also encourage the public to contact the governor and state representatives and otherwise lobby government to effect change. Besides utilizing volunteers, it plans to hire vets when possible and it will soon occupy new offices in Long Branch at its current location, the site from whence many battles have already been waged thru and even against the courts.
Fairtrial(NJ) will be interfacing with progressive and charitable foundations both within and outside of the state to further its goals and increase public exposure and awareness.
Taking power from the politicians, who use the process for political and economic gain and horsetrading, and eliminating some political operatives masquerading as judges from the courts by election, could be more difficult than putting a man on the moon, and may take some time. Lets get started.
Sign the petition calling for non-partisan elections with spending limits & other reforms, contact your legislators, remove the obstructive ones, join the caravan for justice, donate and follow us on twitter
FairtrialNJ is a 501c(4) social welfare organization. Contributions are tax deductible
Volunteers are currently sought: In each county to distribute FairtrialNJ’s card at stores, universities, etc. Internally in web designing & positioning, and in the areas of public relations, fundraising, membership, and legal