Local Media Silent

On Oct. 12, 2009, editors of the Link and Atlanticville, weekly newspapers with offices in Long Branch, were shown the Oct. 1 letter to the mayor and administrator, some photos displayed therein and the illegal zoning permit, and were told it had not been rescinded. The Atlanticville said a reporter would call to investigate
No action was taken and on Oct. 19, the Atlanticville editor stated they can’t do it now because they are busy covering local municipal elections and will get to it after the elections. Elections are in May in Long Branch. The same editor was also notified 2 years ago about the ongoing violations and did nothing then. Nevertheless, the investigating and collecting of documents and photos was already done by FairtrialNJ and a 5 minute review could confirm the corruption allegations.
Similarly for the Link, which stated it is on hold as there are many other things to get thru. A founder and publisher Patty Booth Oneil is sister to Micheal S. Booth who previously founded, owned and sold the Atlanticville in 2001, the same year The Link News began. He was appointed by mayor & council to the board of the long branch sewerage authority which provides medical benefits. The Link, carries lucrative long branch legal ads and that of Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider’s law practice. It claims on its homepage “an aggressive approach to digging for news” It also failed to report on the arson. Draw your own conclusions. Both publications have been informed of the Oct. 6, 2014 hearing involving Long Branch where significant corruption & damages are alleged. (see MON L-4039-11 under “Judiciary”)
Based upon a review of the content of these publications, it is hard to believe that at least a paragraph of space cannot be found. The delay or suppressing of this information does a disservice to the public and raises questions about conflicts of interest and control of the press, and explains why many newspapers are losing subscribers. FairtrialNJ has no such conflicts.
Following are quotes from President Obama to the Chinese while in China on a trip his 1st term: “I think that the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable,” Obama told students during his first-ever trip to China. “They can begin to think for themselves”
“We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation,” Obama said. Then he added that freedom of expression and worship, unfettered access to information and unrestricted political participation are not unique to the United States; instead, he called them “universal rights
“I’m a big supporter of non-censorship,” Obama said. “I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have free Internet — or unrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged.”
It looks like the good citizens of Long Branch and NJ are not as deserving as the Communist Chinese of unfettered access to information! Have you ever heard a newspaper in NJ discuss or criticize a judges’ decision? Think about it New Jerseyans and call and cancel your subscriptions to publications that seek to hide important information from you.


As further evidence of this suppression by the local media (“no news” rather than fake news seems more apt), upon informing the Asbury Park Press and Star Ledger of the 6/9/18 update which, under “Unabated Violations..Crimes Too”/at page bottom had links to stories on their sites as to the new fbi special agent in charge and US Attorney who should be prosecuting the prior administration, the links were changed and made unusable, however FairtrialNJ was able to obtain this public info. in another manner and scanned the webpages into pdfs and substituted these into the links. This will be done in the future to preserve the evidence of their pathetic suppression in keeping with “THE DEAL”.
“THE DEAL” BETWEEN THE COURTS AND MEDIA: A few years back the author actually heard a top federal appellate judge in a symposium on tv state that “as long as the media doesn’t question the courts, the courts will not question the media’s use of confidential sources” ie, throw reporters such as Judith Miller of the NY Times in jail in 2005 for refusing to reveal sources. FairtrialNJ questions the courts so don’t expect the media to report on anything related to FairtrialNJ.

FairtrialNJ will do its part to get the word out (see “New and Views”) but it is up to YOU, the good citizens of NJ to spread the word and call and educate your friends thruout NJ about public corruption, accountability for law enforcement & judicial administration and the suppression by the press.

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